Mind, Body and Soul
Treatments & Booking - Soft Tissue Therapy.
Treatments are currently being offered on Monday's and Thursday's. Alternative days can be arranged at therapist discretion.
All appointment durations are 1hr long. Each appointment allows for a consultation period, time to get on/off the treatment couch and a minimum of 40mins treatment. Treatments can include general massage and soft tissue work, treating problem areas, soft tissue release techniques, muscle energy techniques such as post isometric relaxation and reciprocal inhibition, myofascial release and trigger point work. Where appropriate follow up exercises and techniques may be given.
A non-refundable deposit is required before confirmation of any booking. 48hrs notice of appointment cancellation/re-scheduling required. Deposits can be transferred to future bookings if notice period is adhered to.
Consent forms and expectations of treatment to be completed at first treatment and reviewed as appropriate with ongoing treatments.
If you would like to discuss treatment prior to booking please do not hesitate to contact me on 07527 781 730 or
To book your appointment please click the 'book now' button which will take you to the booking site. By booking an appointment you will have deemed that you have agreed to my terms and conditions stated above.
I look forward to working with you.